XCOM 2 Console Commands and Cheats

This is a searchable and updated list of all commands for XCOM 2.

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  • Command syntax: additem [item ID] [amount] This command will give you the item with the specified ID and of the specified amount. Go to AddItem Item IDs to see a list of all possible item IDs.
  • Command syntax: bondsoldiers ["soldier name"] ["soldier name"] [true / false] This command bonds (true) or unbonds (false) the two soldiers specified.
  • Command syntax: endbattle [0 or 1] This command will end your current mission. You will win if all objectives are completed. Otherwise, you will fail. To complete all objectives, you can use the ForceCompleteObjective command first, and then use the EndBattle command.
  • Command syntax: forcecompleteobjective [objective ID] Use this command to complete the specified objective for your current mission. To win your current mission, first use this command, and then use the command endbattle.
  • Command syntax: forcecrithits Enable or disable 100% probability of hitting critical hits. When this command is enabled, all hits will be critical hits. This command affects both your squad and the AI.
  • Command syntax: giveabilitycharges This command will add 100 charges to all of your abilities. Class abilities are excluded.
  • Command syntax: giveactionpoints [amount] Give your unit the specified amount of action points.
  • Command syntax: givecontinentbonus [continent bonus ID] This command will give you the specified continent bonus. See all continent bonus IDs here.
  • Command syntax: giveengineer [level] This command will give you an engineer of the specified level. You can only have one engineer at a time, so if you already have an engineer, that engineer will be replaced.
  • Command syntax: givefacility [facility ID] [avenger/map index] This command will give you the specified facility at the specified position.
  • Command syntax: givefactionsoldiers This command will give you one soldier from each Faction in the War of the Chosen -- Reaper, Skirmisher, and Templar.
  • Command syntax: givehackreward [hack reward ID] This command will give you the specified hack reward. See all hack reward IDs here.
  • Command syntax: giveresource [resource ID] [amount] This command will give you the resource with the specified ID and amount. In order for this command to work, you must already have the resource in your inventory. If you do not have the resource, use the command additem command to first add the resource to your inventory.
  • Command syntax: givescientist [level] This command will give you a scientist of the specified level. You can only have one scientist at a time, so if you already have a scientist, that scientist will be replaced.
  • Command syntax: givetech [tech ID] This command will give you the specified technology. See all tech IDs here.
  • Command syntax: healallsoldiers This command will increase all of your soldier's HP to 100%.
  • Command syntax: levelupbarracks [amount] This command will level up all of your soldiers by the specified amount.
  • Command syntax: makesoldieraclass ["soldier name"] [class ID] This command will set the designated soldier to the specified class. A list of all class IDs can be found here.
  • Command syntax: powerup This command will toggle god mode for your squad. In god mode, you will not need to reload and you will have unlimited health (and not take any damage).
  • Command syntax: removefortressdoom [amount] This command removes the specified amount of doom from the Avatar Project.
  • Command syntax: restartlevel This command will restart your current mission.
  • Command syntax: restartlevelwithsameseed This command will restart your current mission with the same seed that it was generated with. Any random parts of the game, such as spawn locations, will remain the same.
  • Command syntax: setsoldierstat [stat ID] [value] [soldier name] [0 or 1] This command will set the soldier's stat to the specified value. A list of all stat IDs are here.
  • Command syntax: skipai This command will make the AI skip its turn and will make it your turn.
  • Command syntax: tatc This console command will teleport all units to the location in the map that your mouse cursor is over.
  • Command syntax: ttc This command will teleport the selected unit to the location in the game where your mouse is.
  • Command syntax: takenodamage This command toggles invincibility. With invincibility, your soldiers will not take any damage. Enter the command to enable invincibility. Enter the command again to turn it off.
  • Command syntax: togglefow This command toggles Fog of War (fow). With Fog of War on, you cannot see parts of the map. With it on, you will see everything on the map. Enter the command again to turn off Fog of War.
  • Command syntax: togglerain This command will toggle rain. Enter the command to turn on rain. Enter it again to turn it off.
  • Command syntax: togglesquadconcealment This command toggles the concealment of your squad. Enter the command to turn this on, and enter the command again to turn it off.
  • Command syntax: toggleunlimitedactions This command toggles unlimited action points. Be careful when using this. If you use the command when it is the AI's turn, the AI will have unlimited action points. Enter the command again to turn this off.
  • Command syntax: toggleunlimitedammo This command toggles unlimited ammunition. If you use the command when it is the AI's turn, the AI will have unlimited ammunition. Enter the command again to turn this off.
  • Command syntax: changelist This command will print to the console log a list of the most recent changes in the game.
  • Command syntax: listsounds All the game sound files will be listed.
  • Command syntax: listtextures All the game's texture files will be listed.
  • Command syntax: pause This command will pause the game. Enter the command again the unpause the game.
  • Command syntax: screenshot This command takes a screenshot of your game and saves it to your XCOM 2 screen shots folder.
  • Command syntax: slomo [multiplier] This command will speed up or slow down the game based on the specified speed multiplier.