XCOM 2 GiveTech command

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givetech [tech ID]
This command will give you the specified technology. See all tech IDs here.

Command information


Tech ID is the ID of the technology you want to get. Below is a list of all tech IDs:

Technology NameTechnology ID
Advent Officer AutopsyAutopsyAdventOfficer
Alien BiotechAlienBiotech
Blacksite VialBlacksiteData
Codex BrainCodexBrainPt1
Encrypted Codex DataCodexBrainPt2
Hybrid MaterialsHybridMaterials
Plated ArmorPlatedArmor
Powered ArmorPoweredArmor
Advent MEC BreakdownAutopsyAdventMEC
Avatar AutopsyAutopsyAdventPsiWitch
Advent Shieldbearer AutopsyAutopsyAdventShieldbearer
Advent Stun Lancer AutopsyAutopsyAdventStunLancer
Advent Trooper AutopsyAutopsyAdventTrooper
Advent Turret BreakdownAutopsyAdventTurret
Andromedon AutopsyAutopsyAndromedon
Archon AutopsyAutopsyArchon
Berserker AutopsyAutopsyBerserker
Chryssalid AutopsyAutopsyChryssalid
Faceless AutopsyAutopsyFaceless
Gatekeeper AutopsyAutopsyGatekeeper
Muton AutopsyAutopsyMuton
Sectoid AutopsyAutopsySectoid
Sectopod BreakdownAutopsySectopod
Viper AutopsyAutopsyViper
Experimental Powered WeaponAdvancedHeavyWeapons
Advanced GrenadesAdvancedGrenades
Battlefield MedicineBattlefieldMedicine
Bluescreen ProtocolBluescreen
Experimental AmmoExperimentalAmmo
Experimental ArmorExperimentalArmor
Experimental GrenadesExperimentalGrenade
E.X.O. SuitEXOSuit
Experimental Heavy WeaponHeavyWeapons
Plasma GrenadesPlasmaGrenade
Skull MiningSkullmining
Spider SuitSpiderSuit
W.A.R. SuitWARSuit
Wraith SuitWraithSuit
Modular WeaponsModularWeapons
Magnetized WeaponsMagnetizedWeapons
Gauss WeaponsGaussWeapons
Plasma RiflePlasmaRifle
Plasma LancePlasmaSniper
Beam CannonHeavyPlasma
Storm GunAlloyCannon
Spark Shen's Last GiftBuildSpark
Mechanized Warfare Shen's Last GiftMechanizedWarfare
Archon King Autopsy Alien HuntersAutopsyArchonKing
Berserker Queen Autopsy Alien HuntersAutopsyBerserkerQueen
Viper King Autopsy Alien HuntersAutopsyViperKing
R.A.G.E. Suit Alien HuntersRAGESuit
Serpent Suit Alien HuntersSerpentSuit
Icarus Armor Alien HuntersIcarusArmor
Experimental Weapons Alien HuntersExperimentalWeapons
Bolt Caster Alien HuntersBoltCaster
Hunter's Axe Alien HuntersHuntersAxe
Shadowkeeper Alien HuntersShadowkeeper
Frostbomb Alien HuntersFrostbomb
Advent Priest Autopsy WOTCAutopsyAdventPriest
Advent Purifier Autopsy WOTCAutopsyAdventPurifier
Spectre Autopsy WOTCAutopsySpectre
The Lost Autopsy WOTCAutopsyTheLost


The command GiveTech AlienBiotech will give you Alien Biotech.