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Stat ID is the soldier's stat that you want to modify. A list of all possible stat IDs is below:
Stat Name | Stat ID |
Armor Migration Trigger Chance | eStat_ArmorChance |
Armor | eStat_ArmorMitigation |
PCM Slot (1 to allow unit to use) | eStat_CombatSims |
Critical Hit Chance | eStat_CritChance |
Enemies Detection Range | eStat_DetectionRadius |
Dodge | eStat_Dodge |
Flanking Aim Bonus | eStat_FlankingAimBonus |
Flanking Critical Hit Chance | eStat_FlankingCritChance |
Hacking | eStat_Hacking |
Health | eStat_HP |
Mobility | eStat_Mobility |
Aim | eStat_Offense |
Psi Offence | eStat_PsiOffense |
Sight radius | eStat_SightRadius |
Melee Attack Effect Trigger Chance | eStat_Strength |
Max Utility Items Soldier Can Carry | eStat_UtilityItems |
Max Will | eStat_Will |
Value is the numerical value you want to set the stat to, such as 100.
Soldier name is the name of the soldier. This command sometimes works with the soldier's name in quotation marks and sometimes without. Try both ways if the command isn't working.
0 or 1 needs to be set only if you are playing with the WOTC DLC. Set it to 1 to change the soldier's base stat and set it to 0 if you do not want to change the soldier's base stat. If you are not playing with the WOTC DLC, ignore this parameter.
The command SetSoldierStat 50 eStat_Dodge Amy Meer will set Amy's Dodge stat to 50.