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The objective ID is the ID that specifies the mission objective. Below is a full list of all objective IDs that you can use.
Mission Name | Objective IDs |
RecoverItem | RecoverItem, Sweep, Recover |
RecoverItemADV | RecoverItemADV, Sweep, Recover |
RecoverItemTrain | RecoverItemTrain, Sweep, Recover |
RecoverItemVehicle | RecoverItemVehicle, Sweep, Recover |
RecoverFlightDevice | RecoverFlightDevice, Sweep, Recover |
HackWorkstation | HackWorkstation, Sweep, Hack |
HackWorkstationADV | HackWorkstationADV, Sweep, Hack |
HackWorkstationTrain | HackWorkstationTrain, Sweep, Hack |
DestroyRelay | DestroyRelay, Sweep, DestroyRelay |
ProtectDevice | ProtectDevice, Sweep, Protect |
SupplyLineRaidATT | SupplyLineRaidATT, Sweep_Crate_x1, Sweep_Crate_x2, Sweep_Crate_x3, Sweep_Crate_x4, Sweep_Crate_x5, Sweep_Crate_x6 |
SupplyLineRaidTrain | SupplyLineRaidTrain, Sweep_Crate_x1, Sweep_Crate_x2, Sweep_Crate_x3, Sweep_Crate_x4, Sweep_Crate_x5, Sweep_Crate_x6 |
SupplyLineRaidConvoy | SupplyLineRaidConvoy, Sweep_Crate_x1, Sweep_Crate_x2, Sweep_Crate_x3, Sweep_Crate_x4, Sweep_Crate_x5, Sweep_Crate_x6 |
SecureUFO | SecureUFO, Sweep |
ExtractVIP | ExtractVIP, VIP |
RescueVIP | RescueVIP, VIP |
RescueVIPVehicle | RescueVIPVehicle, VIP |
NeutralizeTarget | NeutralizeTarget, Kill, Capture |
NeutralizeTargetVehicle | NeutralizeTargetVehicle, Kill, Capture |
SabotageAlienFacility | SabotageAlienFacility, Sweep, DestroyFacility |
Terror | Terror, Sweep, Rescue_T1, Rescue_T2, Rescue_T3 |
AvengerDefense | AvengerDefense, Defense |
TutorialRescueCommander | TutorialRescueCommander, Tutorial |
DefeatHumanOpponent | DefeatHumanOpponent |
SabotageAdventMonument | SabotageAdventMonument, Sweep |
AdventFacilityBLACKSITE | AdventFacilityBLACKSITE, Recover |
AdventFacilityFORGE | AdventFacilityFORGE, Recover |
AdventFacilityPSIGATE | AdventFacilityPSIGATE, Sweep |
CentralNetworkBroadcast | CentralNetworkBroadcast, Hack |
AssaultAlienFortress | AssaultAlienFortress, Sweep |
TestingMission | TestingMission |
The command forcecompleteobjective DefeatHumanOpponent will complete the 'Defeat Human Opponent' objective for your mission.