This is a searchable and complete list of Stellaris events and their IDs. These IDs are usually used with the event events ID command to trigger an event. For example, the command event syndaw.1000 will trigger the Machine Uprising event.
Zarqulan's Chosen
Yuht Home System Located
Wild Eukaryotes
Whispers in the Stone
Whisperers in the Void
War in Heaven
Wanderlust: Rogue Scientist
Vultraum Home System Located
Voyager 1
Unrest: Revolt
Translating Warriors' Texts
Translating Traders' Texts
Translating Settlers' Texts
Translating Explorers' Texts
Titanic Life Study: Success
The Voidspawn
The Vehement
The Unbidden
The Reckoning
The Prince
The Null Void
The Nomads
The Nivlac (unfriendly)
The Nivlac (friendly)
The L-Cluster (L-Drake)
The L-Cluster (Gray Tempest)
The L-Cluster (Dessanu Consonance)
The Hunt for the Hyacinth
The Drums of War
The Doorway
The Contingency
The Chosen One
The Birth of the Galactic Community
The Aberrant
Subterranean Civilization
Sublight Exploration Probes
Spawn L-Cluster
Space Storm Hits Galaxy
Space Storm Dissipates
Sleepers Awake
Sentinel Fleet Donation
Secrets of the Yuht
Rise of the Sentinels
Radical Cult
Prethoryn Scourge
Pirate Exiles
Paradise Lost
Neural Symbiosis
Mirror Mirror
Mercenaries Become Available
Mass Extinction Through the Ages
Machine Uprising
Long live the Queen!
Junk Ratlings
Junk Ratlings
Irassian Home System Located
Instrument of Desire
Horizon Signal
High-energy Dimension
Habitable Worlds Survey
Gas Giant Transmission
Fumes Lie Thick
First League Home System Located
Fallen Empire mothballed fleet
Enter the Shroud
End of the Cycle
Echoes from the Deep
Eater of Worlds
Dreadnought Repaired
Cybrex Return
Cybrex Home System Located
Crystals Pacified
Composer of Strands
Birth of the Galactic Market
Avatar (army)
Arcane Deciphering (Sky-Dome)
Arcane Deciphering (Nourishment Center)
Arcane Deciphering (Dimensional Fabricator)
Arcane Deciphering (Class-4 Singularity)
Arcane Deciphering (Auto-Forge)
Arcane Deciphering (Affluence Center)
Ancient Caretakers Awaken
Amoebas Pacified
Alien Specimen Procurement
Alien Entity
Abandoned Sensor Array
A patronizing or machine Fallen Empire sends a random gift
A Quiet Stroll