Click the copy button to copy to your clipboard.
BlueprintPathPart is the significant part of the blueprint path. A list of these for all possible items that you can spawn in Ark can be found here.
Quantity is a number that ranges from 0 to the stack size. This is the number of items you want to add.
Quality is a number between 0 and 100 that indicates the quality of the item.
Force blueprint can be 0 or 1. 0 will add the item. 1 will add the blueprint.
The command cheat GFI Egg_Allo 1 0 0 will spawn one Allosaurus egg. The command cheat GFI Egg_Allo 10 0 0 will spawn 10 Allosaurus eggs.
Press the Tab key to open the command console on PC. On Xbox, press LB RB Xand Y at the same time. On PlayStation, press L1 R1 Square and Triangle at the same time.